Digital School Education

HRMIS of School Education Department has been shifted to new domain. The new link to SEDHR is click here. Now you will use this new HRMIS insted of SIS which has shifted to new domain of PMIU.

Is there any app for this new system?

Remember that there is no mobile app of HRMIS. Therefore, it is better not to use non-official applications for HRMIS.

What are the services provided on HRMIS?

This new HRMIS will facilitate all teachers and staff on pension cases, leave applications, LPR, retirement, death notification etc. All of these will now be processed through Online Dashboard.

Online Account

Accounts of teachers and officers are likely to be active by end of December 2024. The team is working continuously. More time may be required.

Online Login

Once you received your login credentials, select you role and enter user name and password.
sed hrmis roles